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Get involved


The MRHHA offers numerous ways for individuals and organizations to contribute and engage with our community efforts. As a hub for local entrepreneurship and innovative projects, we invite you to bring your ideas and initiatives forward and benefit from our support.

Subscribe: Stay informed with the latest news and events by subscribing to our newsletter.




Become a Member: Engage more deeply with our community by becoming a member. To join, simply fill out our comprehensive "volunteer/member/sponsor" form.




Donate & Sponsors: Support our Šawelihcikewin Campaign, a key initiative aimed at fostering community resilience. 




Sponsor or Request Sponsorship: Whether you're looking to sponsor an event or seek sponsorship, fill in the form to get started.




Join Our Team: We’re always looking for passionate individuals to join our team, either as volunteers or through employment. Access our job application and volunteer form here [link to form], where you can also subscribe to updates on specific roles like board member positions, and express interest in various committees.




Share ideas & feedback: Have an idea for an event or initiative? Propose it through our special form designed to collect community input and feedback. Your proposal could include sports, cultural, arts, heritage, hospitality, or educational events.





Submit event for calendar: If you have an event that aligns with our mission, submit it for inclusion using our form.




Request support: Need support or sponsorship for your event? Fill out a unified form to propose events for MRHHA co-sponsorship.





Propose a newsletter & podcast content: Contribute content ideas for our newsletters or podcasts. Feedback on our communications is also welcome as are broader suggestions and insights about our community initiatives.





By participating in these ways, you help us build a stronger, more vibrant community. Your involvement is crucial in helping us support and amplify local entrepreneurship and innovation.



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